

第38行: 第38行:
== 伪装炼金术士 ==
== 伪装炼金术士 ==

* 待编辑
*If you are a Minion, bluffing as the Alchemist is easy. All you need to do is to tell the group that you have your Minion ability, which is true, but that you are the Alchemist, which is false. You are *practically* telling the truth! This works especially well if you can confirm your identity by some public effect, such as there being an extra two Outsiders in play due to your Baron ability, or getting yourself executed as the Boomdandy, or changing another's character as the Pit-Hag. The benefit of coming out as the Alchemist and revealing your real Minion ability in this way, is that the good team will think that you are good, keep you alive for as long as possible, and confuse any dependant information, such as that from the Empath or the Tea Lady.
*If you are bluffing as the Minion that you really are, be patient. The good team is unlikely to execute a player claiming to be the Goblin just on a whim, even if that player claims to be good. The good team is unlikely to execute the player that you choose with your Fearmonger ability for the same reason. They might, but they will usually want to confirm that you are good and willing to be a team player first. So, be patient, let the good players give you some advice, be seen to be a team player, and let the good team make up their own mind to "win" with your ability. Nudges tend to work better than frothing enthusiasm, but every group is different.
*When bluffing as a Minion that is not in play, make sure that neither of those Minions have too great of a public tell. For example, if you are the Baron, but are claiming to be the Alchemist-Fearmonger, then that won't slide, since the good team will know whether the Baron or the Fearmonger is really in play. (The Baron adds two Outsiders, which is fairly obvious, and the Fearmonger is declared by the Storyteller).
*Bluffing as the Alchemist and claiming that a different Minion ability is in play that what really is, can be a great way to throw the good team off the scent. Particularly in one-Minion games, the good team gains a significant advantage when they know which Minion is in play, because they also learn which Minions are not in play. If you can convince them that there is not an Poisoner, Mastermind, or Goblin in play when there actually is, that could win the game.

== 角色信息 ==
== 角色信息 ==

2022年5月3日 (二) 02:36的版本












  • 你能知道(你能力对应的)爪牙是不在场的,尽可能快地让善良玩家知道这个消息。虽然这看起来没有那么重要,但比如说,如果能确切地得知投毒者不在场,就可以保证善良玩家不会因其获得错误信息。
  • 爪牙能力往往比镇民的强大得多,所以不要为了帮助团队而牺牲自己。
  • 你的游戏策略几乎完全依赖于你获得的爪牙能力来决定,如果你并不知道自己究竟该做些什么,保持沉默,耐心等待时机会更好。有时,你可能想尽早透露你是炼金术士,但有时,你可能想晚一两天甚至到你死亡才愿意暴露自己。
  • 如果你拥有一个可以直接伤害邪恶玩家的能力,例如投毒者刺客麻脸巫婆精神病患者女巫,你就需要注意虚张声势的玩家,并对那些说法站不住脚的人报以怀疑的目光。这些爪牙能力在邪恶玩家手中很有威胁,但在一个善良玩家也就是你手中时,使用得当的话也可以帮助你的阵营走向胜利。确保在你死亡之前尽可能多地使用你的能力,即使误杀/毒/疯狂/改变善良玩家也是值得的,这都是为了对付混迹其中的邪恶玩家。
  • 如果你拥有一个可以直接支援善良玩家的能力时,例如魔鬼代言人或者麻脸巫婆,和善良玩家谈谈,看看谁是最可信的。尽力用你的能力去帮助他们。同时尽可能晚暴露角色。
  • 如果你拥有一个可以直接让善良阵营获胜的能力时,例如恐惧之灵哥布林,最好的办法就是赶紧让你的团队知道你是炼金术士并且告知你所获得的爪牙能力,这样的话,善良阵营可以轻易地利用你的能力规划出一场胜利。然而,其实事情并没有那么简单,你需要证明自己是一名真正的炼金术士而不是一个伪装的爪牙。因为后者很有可能会直接导致善良阵营落败。与那些可以验证善良角色的角色共谋,例如城镇公告员或是女裁缝。隐秘行事,直到你认为善良阵营能够抓住机会用上你的能力,因为机会大概率只有一次,一旦暴露了你持有决定胜败的能力,你很有可能活不过当晚。
  • 如果你拥有一个会改变在场外来者数量的能力时,例如教父或者男爵,你也许仍然能对游戏产生正面影响。虽然增加外来者的数量对善良阵营肯定弊大于利,但是这也同时明确了具体有多少外来者在场。例如,如果你明确知道场上有两名外来者,接近并告知他们你的角色,同时保护他们存活(毕竟他们仍然是善良玩家),这对你的阵营也是一种极大的帮助。
  • 如果你拥有一个看起来仅对邪恶阵营有利的能力时,不妨再仔细看看。它有可能能够以不同寻常的方式转而为善良阵营带来好处。例如炸弹人镜像双子灵言师或是提线木偶这些能力乍一看可能毫无用处,但它们仍然可以为你带来一些东西。当你拥有炸弹人能力时,主动暴露角色寻求处决,避免陷入场上最后三个存活玩家都是邪恶阵营以致善良阵营落败的情况。当你拥有镜像双子能力时,你就直接知道一位邪恶玩家及其角色。如果你拥有灵言师能力,那个(因你能力)改变阵营的玩家一定不是恶魔,并且多半会按你告知他们的信息投票。如果你拥有提线木偶能力,也即是拥有其“是爪牙但是认为自己是一个善良玩家”的能力,你将以为自己是一个不在场的善良角色而非炼金术士,同时也坐在恶魔旁。当你察觉自己是一个善良玩家但能力总是不能正常发动时,你就要偷偷猜测自己的真实角色其实是一个获得了提线木偶能力的炼金术士,弄清楚这点能带来至关重要的信息。
  • 你可能会拥有一个对善良阵营完全不利的爪牙能力,例如主谋或者红唇女郎。在这种情况,说书人的天平在开局时已经倾斜向了邪恶阵营。因此,问问自己“是不是在角色配置阶段发生了什么不寻常之事?”。说书人可能加入了许多获取信息的镇民但又没有加入中毒和醉酒制衡,或是善良阵营存在许多强大的联动,例如洗衣妇知道谁是镇长厨师获得了一个异常高的数字。如果说书人致力于平衡游戏,这种发散性思维会大有裨益。此外,你也要寻找能够获取优势的角色联动。如果你拥有红唇女郎能力而恶魔是小恶魔,你可以诱骗他们在夜晚自杀来成为新的善良小恶魔,这无疑对邪恶阵营是一个“惊喜”。如果你拥有主谋能力,请检查是否有异端分子在场,说不定你的能力能够反败为胜。不过,请注意,说书人也许仅仅只是为了刁难善良阵营才给了你一个帮助邪恶阵营的能力,仅仅只是这么一个令人不太愉快的理由。说书人就是这么诡诈,要小心。
  • 炼金术士与间谍寡妇有冲突。目前炼金术士无法获得他们的能力。然而,巨灵修正也许会在未来更新来让他们之间可以互动。


  • If you are a Minion, bluffing as the Alchemist is easy. All you need to do is to tell the group that you have your Minion ability, which is true, but that you are the Alchemist, which is false. You are *practically* telling the truth! This works especially well if you can confirm your identity by some public effect, such as there being an extra two Outsiders in play due to your Baron ability, or getting yourself executed as the Boomdandy, or changing another's character as the Pit-Hag. The benefit of coming out as the Alchemist and revealing your real Minion ability in this way, is that the good team will think that you are good, keep you alive for as long as possible, and confuse any dependant information, such as that from the Empath or the Tea Lady.
  • If you are bluffing as the Minion that you really are, be patient. The good team is unlikely to execute a player claiming to be the Goblin just on a whim, even if that player claims to be good. The good team is unlikely to execute the player that you choose with your Fearmonger ability for the same reason. They might, but they will usually want to confirm that you are good and willing to be a team player first. So, be patient, let the good players give you some advice, be seen to be a team player, and let the good team make up their own mind to "win" with your ability. Nudges tend to work better than frothing enthusiasm, but every group is different.
  • When bluffing as a Minion that is not in play, make sure that neither of those Minions have too great of a public tell. For example, if you are the Baron, but are claiming to be the Alchemist-Fearmonger, then that won't slide, since the good team will know whether the Baron or the Fearmonger is really in play. (The Baron adds two Outsiders, which is fairly obvious, and the Fearmonger is declared by the Storyteller).
  • Bluffing as the Alchemist and claiming that a different Minion ability is in play that what really is, can be a great way to throw the good team off the scent. Particularly in one-Minion games, the good team gains a significant advantage when they know which Minion is in play, because they also learn which Minions are not in play. If you can convince them that there is not an Poisoner, Mastermind, or Goblin in play when there actually is, that could win the game.


  • 英文名:Alchemist